Jan 9, 2019 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
The more technology advances, the more businesses must be aware of security breaches and hacker attacks. Where are hackers likely to strike in 2019, and how can you protect your business? Read on to learn more about new and existing cyberattacks to avoid. Toll Fraud...
Mar 13, 2018 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
A network is only as strong as its weakest link, and if that weakest link is your security, that can compromise the revenue and the reputation of your business. Attacks just from ransomware have increased over the years, by 200% between 2015 and 2016 alone. There are...
May 4, 2017 | SMB Technology, SMB Technology, SMB Technology, Technology News
Ransomware, spyware, phishing schemes, and other Cyber attacks are commonplace in today’s world of technology. According to a recent article in Forbes, ransomware attacks grew at an accelerated pace in 2016 with reports of 638 million attacks, almost 200 times...